News Values

 Read Media Factsheet 76: News Values and complete the following questions/tasks. 

Our Media Factsheet archive is available here - you'll need your Greenford Google login to access.

1) What example news story does the Factsheet use to illustrate Galtung and Ruge's News Values? Why is it an appropriate example of a news story likely to gain prominent coverage?

Conflict- Tension or surprise
Progress- Triumph or achievement
Disaster- Defeat or destruction
Consequence- Effects on individuals or community
Prominence- The well-known or famous
Novelty- The unusual or emotional
Appropriate examples of new stories are more likely to gain more coverage as it matches media expectations helping raise credibility and awareness to the newspaper company.

2) What is gatekeeping?

Its the actions of limiting access to something or keeping information to oneself.

3) What are the six ways bias can be created in news?

-Bias through selection and omission
-Bias through placement
-Bias by headline
-Bias by photos, captions, and camera angles
-Bias through use of names and titles
-Bias by choice of words

4) How have online sources such as Twitter, bloggers or Wikileaks changed the way news is selected and published?

It allows audience audiences to access news stories that may have been mediated or censored prior to being reported.

5) In your opinion, how has the digital age changed Galtung and Ruge’s news values? 

The worthiness is not defines by these values anymore but what the audience is exposed to or aware of. With social media platforms and access to many websites made by people who share their own point of view with evidence that can not be found in newspapers. The digital age also shows how there's no restriction to the content given out so that everything becomes free for people to use.

6) How would you update these news values for the digital age? Choose TWO of Galtung and Ruge's news values and say how they have been affected by the growth of digital technology.

Familiarity - although British newspapers focus on current events happening around them, its clearly seen how they also include world news that can be happening in different countries. Its not fast produced in comparison to online media where its more easier to connect with people across the world. Audience do also want fresh news and anything captivating in other countries so that they can be aware of their surroundings and our worlds problems.

Exclusivity- traditionally, there would be this rush for being first to inform with new news. However, with the rise of digital age and everyone having a device, after an events people are usually filming and publishing in order to get views and clicks. This just shows the many perspectives to one story which can quickly make it into old news that everyone is focusing on.


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