Horizon Forbidden West: Language and Representation



Read this review of Horizon Forbidden West in the Financial Times (should be non-paywalled but you can read the text of article here if needed). Answer the following questions:

1) Why does Guerrilla Games have 'a serious case of bad timing'? 

Horizon Forbidden West was described as a scene stealer as they ideas from other games and synthesising them with immaculate polish. Just weeks after the games release,  it was overshadowed by Zelda: Breath of the Wild and even Elden Ring shared similarities.

2) What is the narrative for the original game Horizon Zero Dawn? 

The narrative follows a thousand years after machines have wiped out most of humanity whilst survivors have formed tribal communities who views technology  as objects of either suspicion or religious reverence. 

3) How is the central character Aloy described? 

The protagonist, Aloy is described as  flame-haired heroine  who balances grit and tenderness as one of the most memorable new characters of its console generation. Her movement feels ultra-fluid as she deftly transitions between sliding, climbing and making use of new tools such as a grappling hook and paraglider.

4) What is the narrative and setting for sequel Horizon Forbidden West?

There is an extensive main story but also underwater caves to plumb, salvage contracts to fulfil, towering giraffe-bots to scale, even an entire board game to master.  

Close textual analysis

Watch the trailer for Horizon Forbidden West:

Answer the following questions:

1) How is narrative, character and setting introduced in the trailer?

From the trailer we can see the narrative follows a type of quest to save the world from the advanced technology as well as defeat the many tribes shown. We are introduced to this strong female lead, Aloy she is seen to subvert many stereotypes through her own independence. Setting can be easily recognisable even though it is set in the future, we can see the Golden gate bridge in San Francisco.

2) How is the game's open world / sandbox genre shown in the trailer? 

The video game has multiple gameplay elements that help players interact with their surrounding and even in game people. Its open world as players can explore the vast setting and travel whatever distant they wan as they are in control of the character.

3) What representations can you find in the trailer? 

Theres the representation of the main character being a string independent female which shows the changing of gender portrayal in videogames. Viewers are also shown the representation of indigenous population and Asian Americans with a the lazy stereotype trope seen to be aggressive or even unfriendly.

AQA recommends watching the following gameplay trailer in their CSP booklet:

Watch the gameplay video and answer the following questions:

1) How does the game use media language to communicate ideas about narrative and genre?

Media language is used to communicate ideas on narrative and genre as this post-apocalyptic future version of the USA could showcase the extinction of civilisation caused by robots. We can see it through setting as there is a moment to show the power of nature and how it has naturally evolved to destroy most of San Francisco.

2) What representations of people, places or groups can you find in the gameplay video?

Theres representations of different groups both eastern and western people included. The female lead subverts many stereotypes of female protagonists in the video game industry. Theres also a LGBT storyline between Aloy and Seyka . However the representation of the tribes seen as indigenous or Asian American is extremely stereotypical as they are placed as the antagonists.

3) What audience pleasures are suggested by this gameplay trailer?

The audience pleasures are seen with personal identity where players are positioned as the protagonists. Diversion as we are playing a video game to save the world from post-apocalypse. Surveillance as we are learning about climate change dealing with natural disasters and even influence of tech through evolution. Finally personal relationships can be applied through the development of Aloy as we want to see if she become successful in her mission.

Narrative and genre

Read this excellent Den of Geek article that addresses elements of narrative and genre. You can find the article text here if the link is blocked. Answer the following questions: 

1) Read the opening to the article. How can we apply Steve Neale's genre theory to Horizon Forbidden West?

Steve Neal explains how genres evolve and function within media, from the article we can apply his theory as the game itself has not evolved or even changed from the original game Zero Dawn. After 5 years of waiting, the experience is seen to be quite similar to the first game which only empathises how genre does not help the game evolve or branch out onto a new aspect.

2) How many copies did the Horizon Zero Dawn sell and why did this influence the design of the sequel?

They have sold over 20 million copies as the series was able to reach a significantly large audience. From a business standpoint, it makes all the sense in the world that Forbidden West sticks  close to its predecessor in terms of most of its basic design decisions. 

3) How does the article criticise the story in Horizon Forbidden West? 

The story has been criticised for not going bigger as people hoped for a significantly larger world filled with more characters, more enemies, more mechanics, and more story. The greatest narrative strengths are the quality of its world and mythology and that  the best storytelling moments in the game happen when you take a little time to look around.

4) What do we learn about the gameplay? 

There are new combat features when it comes to the character of Aloy, where players  feel truly free to approach the game’s combat and hunting sequences the way you want to approach them. As well as this, the game greatly expanded its navigation mechanics where getting around isn't as enjoyable but Aloy's abilities to dive underwater, glide, climb more surfaces more efficiently, utilize a hook shot and,  fly mean that getting from one place to another no longer feels like this laborious task meant to kill time between the moments that really matter. 

5) What is the article's overall summary of the game?

It summaries how Forbidden West ay share similarities with Zero Dawn, it is seen to go further than any game in this genre and manages to plant a new signpost where the game developers surpass these games and aspire to make something even better.


Race representations in Horizon Forbidden West

1) How does Horizon Forbidden West use narrative to create a fully diverse cast of characters?

The narrative that follows civilisation wiped out by a plague, an  AI named GAIA rebuilt life on Earth, with the genetic diversity of humanity. This helped the developers included people of colour and different background through their clever story creativity.

2) What is orientalism?

Its a type of racism that allows the west to see the eastern culture and people as a threat to their civilisation through projecting savagery and beauty onto the East.

3) How does the article suggest orientalism applies to Horizon Forbidden West? 

It writes how Orientalism is the core of Forbidden West as there is a exploration of exotic land. Aloy herself is white exploring a southwestern area filled with foreign tribes, religions, and customs. A lot of portrayals such as the red dragon or even  the taming of elephants for use in war is common in European and American fantasies can symbolise the use of these specific animals in quests to be aggressive related to their people.
4) Who is the player encouraged to identify with in the game and how does this influence how representations are constructed?  

Players are encouraged to identify with Aloy who is seen to be defeating these eastern enemies as they're portrayed to be evil in a sense to stop the players from completing the game and saving the world. This could only reflect how the developers are following traditional stereotypes that follow non whites to be seen as oppositional even though it aims to be open minded towards the portrayal of these ideologies. It could initially show their ignorance when constructing these representations as it seemed natural for the antagonists to have an non western heritage.

5) Finally, what did the writer of the article (an Asian American) feel when playing the game?

Playing as Aloy she faced a lot of cultural violence, that did in fact include Orientalism, which founds and fuels a lot of the racism she had with her background. They continuously repeat these tropes in their designs always painting Asian cultures as perpetually foreign, mysterious, and threatening.

Gender and videogames

Focusing on Aloy and the representation of women in videogames, read this Forbes feature on the topic. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the debate regarding Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West? 

The debate follows how its rare to find character portrayals such as Aloy who are covered up without the need to appeal with revealing clothes. It sparked this debate on whether Aloy is hot or not as the character has been flamed for not being sexy.

2) What examples are provided of other female characters and representations in videogames?

We are provided with examples like Lara Croft form Tomb Raider where her original design was over sexualised. Theres also Genshin Impact characters where the character of Aloy is seen in gameplay compared to the other characters. And finally  Ellie and Abby from The Last of Us, reducing the portrayal of these characters to the questions of Is she too sexy? Is she not sexy enough?”.

3) What are the issues facing the videogame industry in terms of gender?  

The entire argument is seen to have been going on since the start of videogames and portrayal of gender in this industry still is seen as a massive issue when it comes to female representation. It is believe characters like Aloy are the key to unlocking some magic acceptable formula for how women are presented in games. The many debates about her appearance goes to show how the game industry has a long way to go especially with the way they only focused on making females sexier.


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