Clay Shirky: End of audience

Media Magazine reading

Media Magazine 55 has an overview of technology journalist Bill Thompson’s conference presentation on ‘What has the internet ever done for me?’ It’s an excellent summary of the internet’s brief history and its impact on society. Go to our Media Magazine archive, click on MM55 and scroll to page 13 to read the article ‘What has the internet ever done for me?’ Answer the following questions:

1) Looking over the article as a whole, what are some of the positive developments due to the internet highlighted by Bill Thompson?

He could be able to:
-Email and exchange files with people at other universities
-Access to talk to others with computers
-Network becomes invisible as connection becomes seamless
-connects people for information, campaigning, gaming, education, meeting friends and money.

2) What are the negatives or dangers linked to the development of the internet?

A lot of bullying and abuse takes place especially pornography and even illegal images o child abuse. There are a lot of extremists or radicals that influence peoples to join frauds or scams.

3) What does ‘open technology’ refer to? Do you agree with the idea of ‘open technology’?

It refers to people being open about equality on the internet as well as social justice and free of expression. However, it difficult to build this idea on the technology itself to encourage a diverse online culture.

4) Bill Thompson outlines some of the challenges and questions for the future of the internet. What are they?

what could the internet do for you and your friends, and what could you make it do?
So how can the network deliver that?
so how can the network help there?
we deliver news media that can operate effectively online and still make money?

5) Where do you stand on the use and regulation of the internet? Should there be more control or more openness? Why?

The internet should be open to ideas and even equality when it comes to people expressing there opinions where everyone is treated right. However, restrictions should be put in place for the dangerous areas such as when it comes to child predators or scams. This could also include cyber bullying as its seen as a major part of the internet.

Clay Shirky: Here Comes Everybody

Clay Shirky’s book Here Comes Everybody charts the way social media and connectivity is changing the world. Read Chapter 3 of his book, ‘Everyone is a media outlet’, and answer the following questions:

1) How does Shirky define a ‘profession’ and why does it apply to the traditional newspaper industry?

He defines it as biased and seen as vastly important even when most information on the internet is not professionally produced. He writes how the internet is not a newspaper so armatures who produce them online are not seen as a threat to traditional newspaper industry even if it has more 'evidence' or more people view it.

2) What is the question facing the newspaper industry now the internet has created a “new ecosystem”?

They changes the question to 'why publish this?' to 'why not' as the internet has evolved and many people want to view many thinks.

3) Why did Trent Lott’s speech in 2002 become news?

At Thurmond's  birthday party Lott's praised him for his presidential campaign of fifty years earlier so when Thurmond ran for president he was voted for. 2 weeks later, Lott announced that he would not seek to remain majority leader in the new Congress.

4) What is ‘mass amateurisation’?

Its a new form of media given to consumers to use and access as they please.

5) Shirky suggests that: “The same idea, published in dozens or hundreds of places, can have an amplifying effect that outweighs the verdict from the smaller number of professional outlets.” How can this be linked to the current media landscape and particularly ‘fake news’?

Being able to see this one idea in multiple places and used by thousands of peoples compared to a few professional verdicts is more reliable for consumers as there is more proof of the internet and many comments under it to support it.

6) What does Shirky suggest about the social effects of technological change? Does this mean we are currently in the midst of the internet “revolution” or “chaos” Shirky mentions?

The advanced technology helps us to connect with other people bringing more access to information, productivity and is very time saving. It is seen as a revolution through the new updates on how we comment, share or even like a strangers post from across the world, he also mentions the dangers of this from simple things to frauds to getting detached from reality as we are constantly checking devices.

7) Shirky says that “anyone can be a publisher… [and] anyone can be a journalist”. What does this mean and why is it important?

The consumers becomeing publishers or  even journalists points to the revolution of technology letting people to converse with others and share their thoughts many-to-many whilst being globally accessible. This is seen as important as anyone can write online instead of getting a job as a publisher through the hard way.

8) What does Shirky suggest regarding the hundred years following the printing press revolution? Is there any evidence of this “intellectual and political chaos” in recent global events following the internet revolution?

There would be a loss of professional control when it comes to print as the internet taking over has taken the job. Evidence for the 'intellectual and political chaos' is shown by the video blogger Josh Wolf who refused to hand over video of a 2005 demonstration he observed in San Francisco causing him to go to jail.

9) Why is photography a good example of ‘mass amateurisation’?

Its a type of ability given to amateurs who now are able to use it in there daily lives.

10) What do you think of Shirky’s ideas on the ‘End of audience’? Is this era of ‘mass amateurisation’ a positive thing? Or are we in a period of “intellectual and political chaos” where things are more broken than fixed? 

I believe that mass amateurization is a positive thing on his idea towards end of an audience as it is able to give the more active audience a chance to try out new things. As Scott Bradner, a former trustee of the Internet Society says, "The internet means you don't have to convince anyone else that something is a good idea before trying it." People are able to master professions that were seen as important in the past more freely with the vast access given. However, these actions do lead to unprofessional publishes even if its backed by sources and people on the internet. Like for example news or facts being posted without being professionally checked which can take the jobs out of many.


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