Industries: the appeal of print

 1) Writer's Edit journal article

Read this excellent Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry and answer the following questions:

1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine?

It is a magazine published without the financial support of a large corporation or institution in which the makers control publication and distribution.

2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines in the digital age?

He suggests that magazines are quietly thriving even as the global newspaper and book industries falter.

3) Why does the article suggest that independent magazines might be succeeding while global magazine publishers such as Bauer are struggling?

Big companies like Bauer media and News Limited that produce magazines are struggling to keep they're readers from going online instead of print.

4) What does the article suggest about how independent publishers use digital media to target their niche audiences?

Its says how small print makes their magzines with a greater appreciation of graphic design, community and also a cultural push away from trend-focused mass-market publications that tell people what they should be doing and buying. They distribute online or through channels.

5) Why is it significant that independent magazines are owned and created by the same people? How does this change the creative process and direction of the magazine?

Nowdays, independed magazines use the evolution of techknology by using socila media to sell. People are able to now take advantage of social platforms entering the industry by creating their own magazine sharing it online.

6) What does the article suggest regarding the benefits of a 'do-it-yourself' approach to creating independent magazines?

It encorages creative people to be freely producing work without typical editors from mainstream magazine restricting them. The term empathises on the fact that people live out their own identities and actions as citizens.

7) The article discusses the audience appeal of print. Why might audiences love the printed form in the digital age?

Easier to search through content and see what they like and others like to collect without monthly fees.

8) What are the challenges in terms of funding and distributing an independent magazine?

Creators usually rely on subscriptions and high cover prices to continue producing magazines. There are many risks in this as there is little finance reward.

2) Irish Times feature on independent magazines

Now read this short feature in the Irish Times on the growth of independent magazines and answer the following questions:

1) Why are independent magazines so popular?

The magazines play with form  making their production technique diverse from mental health to trans rights, from football to street wear. There is sen to be a pssion for the content they choose and the way its printed where through social platforms are able to reach people across the world.

2) Why is the magazine publishing industry set up to favour the big global conglomerates?

Most independent magazines never get past the first issue this is due to the way magazine publishing industries is set up to favouring publishers. These magazines with big titles rely on advertising to boost their revenue.

3) What does the article suggest regarding finding an audience for an independent magazine?

Finding audience is key, its difficult to narrow down intended viewers. Its starts how theres a chance in finding the right audience other elements will be able to fall in place.

4) What are the challenges for magazine distributors?

One of the challenges is distribution where shipping boxes of magazines costs lot s of money. Publishers take risks when it comes to the expenses whilst also getting as many sales as possible.

5) The article suggests that many independent magazines only make money by diversifying into other products. What examples do they give?

They give examples of many  independent titles that have crossed into the mainstream, such as; The Gentlewoman, The Gourmand, Cereal and Kinfolk all prove that with the right idea you can create something that lasts.

3) Interview with Ruth Jamieson

Finally, read 
this excellent interview with Ruth Jamieson, who has written a book on the renaissance of the independent magazine sector. Answer these three quick questions: 

1) What does Ruth Jamieson suggest about the 'death of print'?

He suggest that there was this new breed of independent, creatively-led magazine that was thriving. He also wanted to celebrate the new wave of independent magazines that was breathing new life into an old medium.

2) What are the common themes for successful independent magazines?

People are able to access lots of relatively cheap or free tools and services to help them get there magazine. This allows them to design and publish while also using social media in order to find contributors, stockists and readers.

3) How many of these aspects can you find in The Gentlewoman? 

You can find this through the content presented on each page to typography and photo editing to contributor calibre.


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