
Showing posts from July, 2024

Magazines: final index

1)   Magazines: Front cover practical task 2)  Magazines: GQ - Language and Representation 3)  Magazines: GQ - Audience & Industry 4)  Magazines: Front cover practical task LR 5)  Magazines: The Gentlewoman - Language and Representations 6)  Magazines: The Gentlewoman - Audience and Industries 7)  Magazines: Industries - the appeal of print and independent magazines

Industries: the appeal of print

  1) Writer's Edit journal article Read this excellent  Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry  and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine? It is a magazine published without the financial support of a large corporation or institution in which the makers control publication and distribution. 2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines in the digital age? He suggests that magazines are quietly thriving even as the global newspaper and book industries falter. 3) Why does the article suggest that independent magazines might be succeeding while global magazine publishers such as Bauer are struggling? Big companies like Bauer media and News Limited that produce magazines are struggling to keep they're readers from going online instead of print. 4) What does the article suggest about how independent publishers use digital media to target their niche audiences? Its says ho

The Gentlewoman: Audience and Industries

1) Media Magazine feature: Pleasures of The Gentlewoman Go to  our Media Magazine archive  and read the article on The Gentlewoman (MM84 - page 34). Answer the following questions: 1) What does the article suggest is different about the Gentlewoman compared to traditional women's magazines?  The gentle women love the world modern making there magazine revolve around this ides. Whereas the traditional women's magazine have oozed glossy glamour titles and  the layout, the colours, the photograph and the typefaces are bright are noticeable. 2) What representations are offered in the Gentlewoman?   It presents a spectrum of womanhood pleasing a wide range of viewers whilst playing with  ideas of gender performativity and stereotypes, 3) List the key statistics in the article on the average reader of the magazine.  85% of Gentlewomen readers are women with its largest readership bracket of 61% ages 28 to 46. 48% of its readers are  are in the A or B categories of  the NRS social gra

The Gentlewoman: Language and Representation

  Close-textual analysis Work through the following tasks to complete your close-textual analysis of the Gentlewoman   CSP pages: Gentlewoman front cover  1) What do the typefaces used on the front cover suggest to an audience? The typefaces suggest that the design is bright and vibrant as it follows a colour scheme of orange border and purple makeup.  2) How does the cover subvert conventional magazine cover design? This subverts typical women's lifestyle fashion magazine as it is stereotypically seen to be more feminine with more colours relating to pink. 3) Write an analysis of the central image. The central image is seen like a framed portrait to give it an artistic design. It is seen to be a low angle close up of Scarlett Johansson that seems to have an unconventional cover shot with striking makeup and no appearance of fashion aespect in the magazine. 4)  What representations of gender and celebrity can be found on this front cover? Scarlett Johansson is seen as the highest p

Y12 exam - Media Paper 1

Create a new blogpost on your Media Exam blog called 'Media Paper 1 learner response' and work through the following tasks: 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW: Khaterah, impressive response for Q2-lots of knowledge + understanding of historical social context of score CSP + unseen product. EBI: Develop film industry Q response by providing more specific examples appropriate to blinded by the light CSP. ( see indicative context on mark scheme for further guidance). 2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best analysis you can do as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A: Q1 (unseen text) additional point/theory:   The background to the image makes clear link to Switzerland which carrie