GQ - Audience & Industries


Look through the GQ Media Kit and answer the following questions: 

1) How does the media kit introduction describe GQ?

They empathise of the fact that their are entering a new era of leadership where masculinity is evolving and being re defines through the media.

2) What does the media kit suggest about masculinity? 

It suggests the rapid change in masculinity from a traditional view where in the magazine they are not seen stereotypically but as people in society with careers and aspirations.

3) Pick out three statistics from the data on page 2 and explain what they suggest about the GQ audience.

1.8M social followers-shows the read they have on social media as it is used a lot more in this generation

61% ABC1- read by a middle higher class to show the wealth of the readers and their expensive taste

7.3M total reach- this can the reflect the amount of people they have connected with across the world showing influence and being know by people who are not even their target audience.

4) Look at page 3 - brand highlights. What special editions do GQ run and what do these suggest about the GQ audience?

One of the special editions they do is a GQ hero event/ issues where they have ideas that brings together
gamechangers, creative radicals, deep thinkers and cultural icons for three days of panels and live performances. This can suggest that the audience are people who want to follow the selected people chosen by becoming the ideal candidate to be chosen. Or are people looking for new faces for masculinity as it can nowadays be defined by anything.

5) Still on page 3, what does the video and social series section suggest about how magazine audiences are changing? 

The magazines target audience are growing away from traditional masculinity to a higher range of viewers. The amount of views gained can only show how people support GQ and its ideas of 'new masculinity' as they see themselves being finally reflected in the media. Not only this, the change in technology is shown how social platforms are used to present videos so that people everywhere are able to view and give their opinions no longer needing to have physical media.

Media Magazine feature: GQ
Go to our Media Magazine archive and read the article on GQ (MM82 - page 12). Answer the following questions:

1) What are the elements that go into choosing a cover stars for GQ? 

It states how you get the most famous person of the mouth but with the right timing. Examples are given through picking an actor/actress just as a new season of a show has released to hook in the audience.  It also writes how endings are more interesting than beginnings as they have more plot for imagination. 

2) How is the magazine constructed to serve the target audience? 

They have already tried and have noticed that the magazine does not work well with young or even late 20s often didn’t sell as well as they'd imagine. The same went for older and more nostalgic models although the readers certainly may want to read about them, but not to represent them.

3) What does the article suggest about GQ's advertisers and sponsorships - and what in turn does this tell us about the GQ audience? 

The magazine came and along with high- end watch brands, is where the vast majority of the magazine’s advertising revenue comes from. It was to show the best in meds style and keep up with the latest trends to keep the audience up to date. GQ audience were most likely wealth and willing to keep up with societies new looks into fashion.

4) What is GQ Hype - and how does it reflect the impact of digital media on traditional print media?
It was the launch of a weekly, online only cover. It got attention on a few social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram making it highly successful. This just shows how the magazine is moving with time and use of new media.

5) Finally, what does the article say about additional revenue streams for print magazines like GQ?  

It writes how it is about deciding key areas in which the brand is strong and focussing on those, rather than expanding into areas you are not familiar with.


Your industries contexts are divided into three areas - Conde Nast, GQ's website and social media content and the impact of digital media on print industries.

Condé Nast

Read this Guardian news article on editorial changes at Condé Nast and answer the following questions: 

1) Who was previously GQ editor for 22 years? 

Dylan Jones

2) What happened to the 'lads' mag' boom magazines such as Nuts, Maxim and Loaded? 

They closed down or, in the case of Loaded, went online only after circulation falls.

3) What changes have been taking place at Condé Nast in recent years and why? 

é Nast  aim is a stable of magazines that stay “digital-first and globally local with everything we do”. They do this so that they are moving with time and the evolution of technology that has moved everything online.

Read this Press Gazette article on Conde Nast. Answer the following questions:

1) What does the article suggest about Condé Nast's recent strategy? 

It writes how it merged the global editorial teams at several of its international magazine brands including GQ, Wired, Vogue and Conde Nast Traveller under a new digital-first strategy designed to produce less duplication of content.

2) How does chief executive Roger Lynch describe Condé Nast and why? 

It describes it as no longer a magazine company due to having 70 million people who read the magazines, but have 300 something million that interact with the websites every month and 450 million that interact with their social media.

3) What does Adam Baidawi say about Condé Nast, GQ and culture? 

He says that it is  in the business of shaping and reflecting culture and that we have to move with it.

1) How is Condé Nast moving away from traditional print products?

Moves away from traditional print through the annual NewFront presentation which took place online as well as the company launching Condé Nast Shoppable, a new video capability that provides buyable opportunities for viewers in real time.  

2) What examples are provided of Condé Nast's video and streaming content?

The example shown is that they influence by creating more engaging, interactive experiences for our audiences and distributing them across new channels — connecting with 10.3 million viewers that aren’t reachable on broadcast and cable. 

3) What does the end of the article suggest modern media audiences want? 

It talks about how audience want to participate and not just be active audience and to do this they integrating shoppable technology into its video content, so that viewers can click to buy.

GQ website, video and social media content 

Visit the GQ websiteInstagram and YouTube channel. Note that some of these may be blocked in school. Once you have looked over GQ's online content, answer the following questions:

1) What similarities do you notice between the website and the print edition of the magazine?

The website features a lot of the main images and cover lines similar to the print magazine.

2) Analyse the top menu of the GQ website (e.g. Fashion / Grooming / Culture). What do the menu items suggest about GQ's audience?

It suggests the content they are willing to see and read about which can suggest a more wealthier, upper-class feel. They want to follow trends in society and see what is deemed as fashion as well as the standards of life.

3) What does GQ's Instagram feed suggest about the GQ brand? Is this appealing to a similar audience to the print version of the magazine?

The Instagram seems to be appealing to a younger audience which is different to its intentional audience when it comes to the print. It seems that GQ want to branch out and move with the times as social media is more popular with younger generations.

4) In your opinion, is GQ's social media content designed to sell the print magazine or build a digital audience? Why?

The social media content is there to build a digital audience instead of selling their prints as it is designed to draw in how people are moving online to view content. Everyone is slowly moving away from traditional print media to online therefore making them believe it is free to view. This mindset makes it harder to sell content online so it leaves companies to rely on building connections with the audiences and getting loyal readers through online advertisement.

5) Evaluate the success of the GQ brand online. Does it successfully communicate with its target audience? Will the digital platforms eventually replace the print magazine completely?

GQ is successful with its brand online especially with Instagram and YouTube. you can see from YouTube that there are really quick paced interviews to keep the younger audience entertained through their short attention span. As well as using recognisable and successful models that have a fan base to attract even more of an audience. Digital platforms will eventually take over, however theres this feeling people get from print magazine that wont disappear. I believe physical copies will exist in the future but not as much as the online version.

The impact of digital media on the print magazines industry

Read this Guardian feature on the struggles of the UK print magazine industry and answer the following questions:

1) What statistics are provided to demonstrate the decline in the print magazines industry between 2010 and 2017? What about the percentage decline from 2000?

The stats provided are that between 2010 and 2017 there was a fall by 42% from 23.8m to 13.9m. In 200 there was a percentage decline of 55% from 30.8m.

2) What percentage of ad revenue is taken by Google and Facebook?

Google and Facebook account for 65% of the $6.5bn (£4.7bn) UK digital display ad market. Their digital ad revenues is by taking about 90% of all new spend.

3) What strategies can magazine publishers use to remain in business in the digital age?

Specialist magazines, catering for more niche audiences with interests ranging from shooting to model railways and ponies, are likely to always have a print fanbase.

4) What examples from the Guardian article are provided to demonstrate how magazines are finding new revenue streams?

Mounting pressure on the traditional print magazine business, which still drives most revenues, is forcing consolidation as publishers seek scale to survive.

5) Now think of the work you've done on GQ. How is GQ diversifying beyond print? 

GQ has diversifying beyond print through its consistent reach towards social media platforms. The company understands how technology is slowly taking over as all media is moving online. There is more success online and higher chances in advertising.


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