MIGRAIN 3 Assessment - Learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: Khaterah, a brilliant assessment displayed here. lots of relevant media theories mentioned and applied

EBI: consider other media advertisements that you can reference how representation are presented

18/20 A

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the two questions: _/8; _/12. If you didn't achieve full marks in a question, write a bullet point on what you may have missed.

Q1: 8/8

The Carolina Herrera campaign reinforces Liesbet van Zoonen’s ideas regarding the media and patriarchal dominance. Undoubtedly, the female model is presented as a ‘spectacle’ for male pleasure and the positioning of the models and the use of text (‘good girl’ and ‘bad boy’) establishes a male dominance.

3) For Question 2 on the social and cultural contexts of gender representations, identify three potential points in the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer.

One point I didn't include was Gender Trouble – particularly the idea that gender is culturally and socially constructed – not ‘natural’. The construction of the adverts supports Butler’s idea that we are conditioned to adhere to social norms – both in terms of gender roles and heterosexuality.

Another point is where David Gauntlett argues that masculinity is constantly evolving and social concerns that masculinity is ‘in crisis’ are exaggerated. However, this campaign does not provide particular evidence for an evolution in representations of men.

Finally, a more political point was that the advertising campaign reflects a more traditional approach to representation than found in many modern campaigns. This perhaps reflects the recent cultural backlash against ‘woke’ or ‘PC’ (politically correct) causes as evidenced by right-wing political campaigns such as Trump or Brexit.

4) Having read the whole mark scheme, pick out one media theory that you didn't include in this assessment and summarise it briefly here so you can use it confidently in future.

Van Zoonen built on Stuart Hall’s reception theory with regards to how gender representations communicate their meanings to audiences. She suggested the media’s influence in constructing gender is dependent on whether the institution is commercial or public, the platform (print/broadcast/digital),  genre (e.g. drama/news/advertisement), target audience, how significant the media text is to that audience

5) Based on your experience in this assessment, identify three aspects of Media (e.g. skills/particular theories/examples) that you need to work on for your next assessment.

Three aspects I need to work on towards my next assessments is apply and valdate the theories against the product. I also need to use my own knowledge and other examples learnt in class to aid me in certain types of questions.


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