January assessment learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: Khaterah, a solid in this assessment. In particular, your analysis of the Stormzy poster shows significant analysis skills and strong knowledge of cultural industries.

EBI: For Q5,too descriptive of the audience theories but not enough support examples of in-depth debate or validating the theories. Similarly, for Q3 on BBC as an industry-more examples needed.

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.

Q1)The British flag (Union Jack) constructs a meaning of Great Britain, traditional power and the

Q2)  none

Q3)Unique funding model for BBC and Channel 4 means channels don’t need to chase
audiences/high ratings and PSB remit means subjects are covered and people are
represented that otherwise may be ignored by commercial broadcasters.

Q4)Gerbner and Gross later developed this theory to suggest that heavy TV viewing made
viewers fearful and homogenous.

3) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for this assessment? You may also want to think here whether you had completed all the original blog tasks from last term before doing the assessment.

I would rate my revision a 7 and I did complete all the blog tasks given.

4) Look at your answer for Question 2. Did you manage to write about three different strategies and three different benefits? It's vital you read the question and follow it exactly.

I was able to write about three different strategies and three different benefits getting full marks.

5) Look at your answer for Question 3. Did you follow the question guidance and write about both the BBC and commercial broadcasters? What could you have added to this answer to reach a higher mark?

I was able to write a bit about both however I was not able to write the for and against points clearly and answer the question.

6) Now look over your mark, teacher comments and the mark scheme for Question 4 - the 20 mark essay question on media effects theory. Write a new paragraph for this question based on the suggested theories/answers in the mark scheme. Make sure it is an extensive, detailed paragraph focused on the question and offering examples from the wider media. 

I agree with the statement as it can be shown through Banduras social learning theory where it suggests how people copy behaviour seen on screen. However, the experiment included children this was able to raises
questions about regulation and whether young people should be protected from certain media content. Another theory to support this is the Two-step flow theory where  audiences are more likely to respond to people rather than media platforms  so opinion leaders in the media are crucial in influencing opinion and audience
responses. This could still have damaging effect depending on political viewpoint or influences spreading content.


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