Reading an image - media codes

 1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes.

The technical codes used in the RBK 50 Cent advert is camerawork where the audience are given a split screen between 50 Cents close up of his grim expression and a picture of his fingerprints to reinforce the idea of his past criminal activities. The advert is generally dramatic through its choice of a dark background and the lighting that directly hits 50 Cents face to highlight his importance in representing Rebook. The editing used for the split screen may be purposely situated to create a dynamic difference between his past and present  and how he may want to compare how much he has changed. The writing is also placed on the right side of the advert trying to not block 50 Cents face and his identity.

The written and verbal codes used can be seen through the language where 50 Cents quote has been placed for viewers to read and to interact with. A slogan is also imbedded into this advert where the "I am" half of this slogan is placed purposely on 50 Cents side whilst the "what I am" is placed with the fingerprints. This can clearly reinforce how he is not trying to avoid his past but instead accept his actions as it makes up him as a person in society. The logo of Rebook is also place in small on the bottom right where it is out of view, this can illustrate how the main focus in on 50 Cents story and how he was able to overcome and even accept his background.

The symbolic and non verbal codes used in the advert are shown through the Mise-en-scene where 50 Cents jewellery sparks the idea of wealth and riches he may own, his clothes could subvert this idea as the military prints make him appear as a gangster. However his costume may even look like a protective vest where he is protecting himself from any more conflict or danger. His body language is suggested by how his body is facing away from us to prevent giving us all of his attention whiles his facial expression is more dark and frightening as if intentionally trying to keep the audience away and avoid him. The colour codes are seen through the colour scheme of black and white as if this advert as a whole is showing a flashback to his past life and the struggles he went through. The typography is well hidden as the quote is serif as if typed up on the other hand the slogan is san serif as if hand written by 50 Cent himself.

The narrative codes are seen through both enigma and action codes where we see that the quotes "o's" are filled in, this can subtlety reveal how many times 50 Cent has been shot through his life. This can arise questions for the audience as to how he is still alive or what had motivated him to continue living on. This could also create a atmosphere of drama as the views will relies the conflict surrounding 50 Cents past and it may actually follow him to the present. 

2) Next, analyse a print advert of your choice using the same media codes: 
Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Make sure you add your chosen print advert using the 'Add image' button in blogger (use Google Images to find the advert first and save it to your pictures or downloads).

The technical codes used in this Takeout advert is the camerawork where they have been able to capture the burger in the middle as if to give is a symmetrical and simplistic feel to it. The lighting is viewed as really bright and clear so that people are able to notice it from afar. The editing is purposely used to make the advert seem minimalistic so viewers feel relaxed to not travel for their food.

The written and verbal codes are seen through the language where it also has been placed in the centre for viewers to clearly read. A slogan has also been created as 'Order, Eat, Deliver' reinforces the accessibility to all customers and how easy their services is portrayed. The logo is placed at the bottom as people read top to bottom and understand the concept of the advert making it very effective.

There are symbolic and non-verbal codes where mise-en-scene is purposely used  as the prop of the burger and telephone attached intrigues the audience to such a creative and quite unusual idea. The colour codes of bright yellow triggers feelings of happiness and quite friendly making it memorable to the viewers. On the other hand, the colour of red is eye catching and stands clearly. The typography used is mainly serif except the 'with' in order to show how the staff have handwritten this word and included it to make viewers more certain of this service.

Narrative is also used with both enigma and action codes where the audience question how the burger is going to answer the phone. This makes them want to this out through the effectiveness and speed of the takeout. This will also intriged them as to how the burger will be able to deliver itself.


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