Paper 2 mock exam learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

Total= 41 =C

WWW- You start brilliant with Q1 so now just need to practice the 25 mark essay

EBI- revise TV regulation/industry contexts (Q2)

2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for A Level Media in this paper? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in Paper 2?

These are the grade boundaries we've used, based on real AQA exam grade boundaries (out of 84):  

A* = 70; A = 62; B = 51; C = 40; D = 30; E = 20.

My target grade was a B, I was 10 marks off so I just need to practice with 25 makers.

Now read through the real AQA mark scheme for Paper 2

3) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:

Q1= 7/9
-background to photoshoot deconstruction
-playing with audience expectation and breaking boundaries
-lack of cover lines is unconventional of a traditional magazine cover
-Tile is san serif in strong and bold to show verbal codes

-Capital regulated by Ofcom and has BBC remit
-Deutchland 83 shown on channlel 4 originally from Germany to show global nature of TV industry
-there's a validity of theories, ownership and control in UK and global media can effect the style and content of it
-Capital is positioned in contrast to more superficial pleasures provided by private or commercial channels
-attacks on the BBC by politicians and the threat to the license fee suggest the position set out in the question is valid
-nature of Deutschland 83 as a series representing German history and culture conforms to the aims of public service broadcasting despite being outside of that model
-illustrates the limitations of national regulation which is restricted by borders

-sims has representation of gender, diversity, race, sexuality, age, class, capitalism
-aspirational values with middle upper lifestyles, consumerism with an 'American dream'
-often focusing on the importance of progressive representations which are debated in social and cultural contexts
-The nature of the values and beliefs being conveyed could be debated
-players able to construct own representation , immersive nature
-players more vulnerable to accept values and belies being conveyed
-HFW is 'woke' reflected through protagonist challenging gender tropes in games
-less sexualised character but has a nod to her LGBTQ+ sexuality
-recognition of tropical issues such as climate change linking to current ideologies
-juxtaposition of nature as there is an attempt to be more inclusive 
-need updates- DLC updates for sandbox games to keep up with time

-target audience can be defined as specialised by the magazine’s focus on youth, diversity, alternative fashion and a reference to queer culture
-aesthetic (media language and representation) is part of the selling point of the magazine which is specific to the print form
-Representations of masculinity as fluid, with an interest in fashion and beauty as the norm
-GW the readership is relatively small and has an unusually high average income, distinguishing it from the mass audience
-Focus on literature, environment, design and architecture suggests the way the producers construct a specialised readership
-Coverage of mainstream women’s magazine subject areas such as fashion and beauty are constructed to be authentic in opposition to negative consumerism – focus on individuality

Example: Q2: 13/25 marks
Additional points: I didn't focus on the question - validity of theory. I should have...

4) Look at question 4 - the synoptic question. How many of the four key concepts did you cover in your answer? Write a new essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and taking care to include at least three of Language - Representations - Audience - Industries. You can use bullet points but make sure you offer enough content to meet the criteria for Level 5 (top level). This will be somewhere between 3-4 well-developed paragraphs planned in some detail.

-specialised audience can be attracted through design and rep

Para 1-GQ
-mainstream and can be specialised
-increasing target audience becoming specialised online through social media, YouTube, websites and global editions
-Will Welch= editor has this idea on 'new masculinity' can be seen on Pharrell cover, the art and culture section as well as Robert Patterson
-Demographics and psychographics= specialised audience, wealthy, ABC1
-GQ hero event- expensive and exclusive brand/content

Para 2-GW
-niche, specialised audience
-using Blumer and Katz theory the magazine includes personal identity, relationship and surveillance to audience
-print is seen as luxury coffee table
-only 2 editions a year reinforce niche
-unconventional cover designs
-unconventional close up shot for the from cover
-no cover lines
-content features Ramla Ali=female boxer, Izabelle Thee-'rewinding'
-seen as 'woke'
-Gentlewomen club has exclusive events and experiences

-Magazines are attempting to become creative to target their audience
-Both CSP's have attempted to do this
-Audience are changing and so are their preference
-moving with time

5) Based on the whole of your Paper 2 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your Easter Media revision timetable.

-regulation and TV industry
-Sims Free play
-social and cultural context
-relevant or even basic theories/theorists


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