Paper 1 mock exam learner response
1) Type up any feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
WWW: Khaterah, a fairly secure model performance overall. your section A has real strength. In particular, your ability to analyse unseen media products.
EBI: media terminology e.g. textual; poaching/ theories e.g. Curran and Seaton. Your 20- marker on the- Radio CSPs although your demonstration secure knowledge you do not fully engage with the Q focus.
2) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:
Example: Q1: 4/8 marks
Additional points: didn't mention enough about genre theory e.g. Neale repetition and difference. Could have added more about use of Daniel Craig (star) and James Bond (character) alongside references to spy/action genre. Could discuss Bond as its own genre due to longevity of franchise and the appeal of this to the watch company.
Q1: 6/8
-watch is a spy gadget.
-Neale ‘instances of repetition’, where familiar tropes and imagery are used to engage with audience expectations around media products.
-on genres of order= British military intelligence, keeping Britain safe
-idealised version of masculinity featured
-simulated versions of reality featuring self-consciously stylised hyper-masculine constructions, presenting the audience with role models
-both inhabit a cultural discourse which revolves around the notion of the reconstruction of a dominant masculine identity rooted in an imagined sense of the past, and this provocation of a sense of nostalgia
-Omega watch shows Butler’s notion of a performative or self-consciously stylised version of masculinity
-product self-consciously uses signifiers which symbolise British identity it can be read as an
3) Look at Question 4 - a 20-mark essay evaluating Levi-Strauss's binary opposition theory. Write an essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 3-4 well-developed paragraphs plus an introduction answering the question planned in some detail.
attempt to engage with the audience’s nostalgia- what Gilroy describes as ‘Albionistic melancholia’
-Score advert regarded as symbolic of a cultural climate where gender norms were represented in the media in terms of a more simplistic ‘heteronormative’ approach
-advert was published at the height of the Second Wave of Feminism and can be read as a parodic-Women’s Liberation Movement.
-political text dealing with social and cultural issues affecting the youth of ‘Thatcher's Britain’
-car is filled with young men who appear to be on some kind of all-night ‘urban safari’ culminating in the images of them throwing stones into a river near a run-down industrial setting; conforming to the negative stereotype that youth ‘lack direction and purpose’
-Brixton race riots- teens no allowed o wo9rk
-negative stereotype= urban decay, immigration issues and the youth
-fighting for equal rights.
-for Score= masculinity-dominant vs femininity=submissive
-costume of men=civil vs of women=primitive
-1960s more clear sign of binary world
-patriarchal society reinforced
-sexuality, gender
-pretty accurate and valid when referring to levi Strauss
-for Sephora= elements of some features of binary opposition
-race=black vs white
-overall reflects less binary world therefore Levi-Strauss is less valid here.
-deregulation, globalisation, media concentration
-textual poaching takes aspects from another and uses it themselves
-elaborate poster campaign which was designed to differ by region
-traditional ‘above the line methods’ of film advertising and marketing are incredibly expensive
-Guardian newspaper review which called the film a ‘buoyant but uneven crowd-pleaser.’
-interviews on One show (BBC1)
-global advertising and trailers
-film largely failed at box office
-budget 15m but grossed 18m
-link to Hesmondhalgh risky business
-War of the world unclear what their target audience was and whether it was trying to get the extreme reaction or not
-Newsbeats has a clear target audience of 16-35
-BBC remit has to reach all audiences in order to justify their licence fee
-It reflects diversity of the Uk through younger presenters, regional accents and selected stories to intrest the youth
-Newsbeats medium listener is 32
-people receive news through alternate digital media
-they don't reach young via traditional radio so attempting to reach through podcasts and YouTube
-inequality and hierarchy between male and female
para 1-score
-Mulvey male gaze as woman is sexualised in comparison to the male
-reinforce traditional stereotypes
-toxic masculinity as male positioned higher reflect inequality
-equal pay act 1960 but ads do not adhere to this
-1960s also more clear binary world
-patriarchal society shows sexuality and gender
-male is dominant female is submissive
-this can be subverted through woman having utility belts and biceps
-producers following own values whilst following change in time
para 3- Sephora
-ad way to mend Sephora relationship with black beauty
-15% store shelf space to black own businesses
-fast paced movement shows moving with time
-no comparison to other race as sole focus is to this minority
-reject bell hooks colourism idea as no racial profiling in modern text
-don't need to target mainstream by including white people
-some binary oppositions
-less binary world therefore Levi less valid here
-Levi strauss valid dependents on media text
-both products can show evolution of society has impacted the portrayal of representation
-target a range of audiences
4) Based on the whole of your Paper 1 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your summer exam Media revision timetable.
2-historical and cultural context
5-'how far do you agree' questions
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