Introduction to advertising
1) How does the Marmite Gene Project advert use narrative? Apply some narrative theories here. The advert uses Todorov's theory of equilibrium, where at the start their is an equilibrium of a peaceful family where a disequilibrium occurred through finds the hidden marmite to a new equilibrium where the marmite found a new home. Levi Straus theory of binary oppositions is illustrates through good vs evil to the family with marmite and love vs hate. Barth's theory of enigma and action codes males the audience question if it tastes good and why people deeply hate it. Finally Propp's theory of characters communicate the marmite being the damsel in distress getting saved by the hero who are the rescue team from the villains of the family that had hidden the marmite. 2) What persuasive techniques are used by the Marmite advert? There is emotional appeal towards saving the marmite as it is deemed important as family, the slogan of 'hate it' or 'love it' to attra...