Henry Jenkins - fandom
Factsheet #107 - Fandom Read Media Factsheet #107 on Fandom . Use our Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets) or log into your Greenford Google account to access the link. Read the whole of Factsheet and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of a fan? It is someone with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal for something/someone. 2) What the different types of fan identified in the factsheet? There are hardcore/true fan, newbie and anti-fan. 3) What makes a ‘fandom’? It can be a group of people all fascinated over a subject as they all share this enthusiasm for the same thing. 4) What is Bordieu’s argument regarding the ‘cultural capital’ of fandom? It states how its not simple about preferring one team over another showing a symbolic power and status for the fan, especially within the realm of their fandom. 5) What examples of fandom are provided on pages 2 and 3 of the factsheet...