The Future of Journalism
Part 1: Clay Shirky lecture Go to the Nieman Lab webpage (part of Harvard university) and watch the video of Clay Shirky presenting to Harvard students . The video is also available on YouTube below but the Nieman Lab website has a written transcript of everything Shirky says. Play the clip AND read along with the transcript below to ensure you are following the argument. You need to watch from the beginning to 29.35 (the end of Shirky's presentation). Once you've watched and read the presentation and made notes (you may want to copy and paste key quotes from the transcript which is absolutely fine), answer the questions below: 1) Why does Clay Shirky argue that 'accountability journalism' is so important and what example does he give of this? He says its the 'iron core of journalism' explaining how to consists of having three reporters dispatched for a long period on a story that may or may not pan out. The example he gives was between between the rise of t...